About EES


It is lovely to have you here and I do hope that you find what you need. Easy Eating Solutions
(EES -"ease") is all about soft, easy to eat foods for everyone.

Someone in your family may have difficulty chewing and swallowing and a soft food diet would really help. Perhaps you have dysphagia. Maybe your child is ready to move on from purées or wants to feed themselves but can’t easily manage the textures of regular food. Perhaps you've had all your wisdom teeth out, or surgery, or maybe you just don’t like using your teeth much... Whatever the reason, EES is your armoury of scrumptious soft food recipes that are ideal for everyone to enjoy together.

EES recipes celebrate scrumptious foods that are already supposed to be soft, so everyone can enjoy the same meal together, without compromise. “Come over for dinner, we’re all having risotto!” is a lot more appealing than “Come over for dinner, we’re having falafel wraps and Gerald’s blending his into a smoothie!”

Even if you do have to be Gerald, because my recipes create meals that are already soft, a portion blended with extra liquid will be very similar in look, taste and texture. And that makes a real, positive difference to how you feel about your food when sitting down to a meal with your nearest and dearest.

I know that there are already mountains of food inspiration out there and I am sure you have a million ideas yourself...but I say, pop the kettle on and relax because we’ve got this. You can trust that EES recipes are all ideal for anyone who needs soft foods, whoever and whenever that is.

So, whether you need soft food recipes for a while or forever, I hope that you will find a new idea or an old favourite right here.

Are you ready? Let’s eat!

Anna xx